商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:logiv1323.qy6.com 供应core leaching autoclave_秦皇岛福格科技有限公司
联系人:黄女士 女士 (外贸)
电 话:0335-8507892
手 机:15243460702


供应core leaching autoclave


    The Quicklock Leaching Autoclave is also called core leaching machine, it is a system for removal of ceramic cores from aerofoils by means of eroding them away via a chemical process. It is important to remember that the Leaching Autoclave contains hot pressurized caustic when operating and is fitted with a number of safety interlocks which ensure that it operates safely.

The devices are arranged to fail to a safe condition. Whilst little routine maintenance is required it is important that the safety devices are checked on a regular basis.

Please feel free to contact us.

黄女士 女士 (外贸)  
电  话: 0335-8507892
传  真: 0335-8583806
移动电话: 15243460702
公司地址: 中国河北秦皇岛市六盘山路20号
邮  编: 066004
公司主页: http://logiv1323.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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秦皇岛福格科技有限公司 公司地址:中国河北秦皇岛市六盘山路20号
黄女士 女士 (外贸) 电话:0335-8507892 传真:0335-8583806
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